Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Rubygame on Windows
Rubygame is a cross-platform multimedia library for the most beautiful programming language in the world: Ruby. It embraces the Ruby spirit to provide developers with a library that is clean and easy to use so you can get things done painlessly, and yet powerful and flexible so you can get them done right.
Even though it's called Rubygame, it has uses far beyond just entertainment software: scientific data visualisation programs, educational/training tools, and interactive motion graphics are just a few of the things possible with Rubygame.
Rubygame is open source, licensed under the GNU LGPL. That means you are free to use, copy, modify, and distribute it, even with proprietary applications. (But be sure to read the full license for details, of course!)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wing IDE
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Baboom! GIT repo
Linux Mint 7

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
iPhone game development
Friday, August 21, 2009
Spritelib GPL

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dirty Coding Tricks
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Pygame 1.9.1 release
What's new (heaps of things since 1.8.1): http://www.pygame.org/
Summary of changes:
- many, many fixes and improvements. The largest amount of changes has gone into this release than any other pygame release.
- bug fixes for backwards compatibility issues introduced in pygame 1.8.x series. old games like solarwolf and libraries like PGU work again.
- experimental camera webcam module (still in development).
- experimental midi module based on portmidi and pyportmidi (99% complete).
- experimental gfxdraw module based on SDL_gfx (including AA circles, textured polygons and other goodness).
- python3, and python3.1 support mostly completed. Some modules still remain to be completed - but mostly it's working.
- nokia mobile phone s60 support.
- improved OSX support (dropped pyobjc dependency, improved installer, sysfont now works on OSX).
- pygame.examples + pygame.tests included with pygame. This makes testing easier, and also makes learning pygame more fun and easy.
- cleanup of examples, and addition of new examples.
- new tools to aid in development of pygame itself, better compilation documentation.
- py2app, and py2exe support improved.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Retrogamer Magazine
Writing Real-Time Games for Android
"Google I/O 2009 - Writing Real-Time Games for Android
Chris Pruett
Do vertex arrays keep you up at night? Do you have nightmares involving framerates and event loops? If so, this session might have the cure for your condition. Chris Pruett will discuss the game engine that he developed, using it as a case study to explain the common pitfalls and best practices for building graphics-intensive applications. You'll learn how to properly pipeline game and rendering code, manage drawing surfaces, and incorporate 2D and 3D graphics cleanly."